Mailbox Products - Media release
A world first - Medstor and the robots in new automated CSSD
Medstor will work in Copenhagen with Danish consulting company Alectia, equipping two automated warehouses, built to deliver sterile goods and services.
The Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) is an important part of any hospital, vital for efficient treatment and optimum patient safety. The Danish Capital Region is streamlining and upgrading these services by constructing two new CSSDs that will provide sterile instruments for the entire Capital Region.
The new buildings, based at Rigshospitalet and Herlev-Gentofte Hospital, are scheduled for completion in 2018, and will set a new standard in the provision of CSSD services as almost all the heavy and repetitive work previously undertaken by staff will now be carried out by robots, mini Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and conveyor systems, making the process safer and more efficient than ever before.
Where employees today must carry the instruments themselves, from 2018 robots in the new CSSDs will carry the instruments to a high-bay storage for sterile goods, with room for approximately 11,000 units, from where robots will again pick the goods that the hospitals in the cluster have ordered up.
To address this problem, Medstor has developed a co-polymer bonding, to be applied to the boards and boxes, which will give enough resistance to ensure stability without hindering removability.
ALECTIA's design for the new buildings, perfected using the latest 3D design software, allows several working processes to be centralised, and operation to be based on automated processes and robot technology. In addition to optimizing patient safety and improving the working environment by reducing the risk of work injuries, the CSSDs will create the conditions for the highest possible uniformity and product quality, increase the productivity through economies of scale, and ensure fast adjustments to new genetic treatments, employee development and training.
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ALECTIA Project Manager, Kevin Jungløv, says of this exciting project:
" Previously, we have seen sterile services departments where different automation solutions eliminated some of the manual working procedures. With the new sterile services department at Rigshospitalet, we have worked with an overall solution where the various automation solutions are linked like beads on a string.
We believe that we are in the process of creating a unique design in cooperation with the Capital Region. The part elements are well-known but when they are combined by an experienced team, a new and ground-breaking solution is created."
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